
Support Services during Lockdown

Dear Sixfam Customer

You might have received an email from us last time Victoria was in lockdown and this is a follow-up email to let you know that we have been very proactive and resolute to the task of providing uninterrupted and sustained telecommunications for your business, short, medium and long term.  Whilst for all of us, it is not quite business as usual given the latest State Government Guidelines, we are we reaching out to assure you that we are here to help if required.

Sixfam have all staff working at full capacity, both in the Melbourne office and working from home where possible.  Our staff are subject to “Covid-Safe” work practises and are fully equipped with protective equipment as per the current regulations and can work remotely for your needs where possible.  They are also mobilised to assist for any on-site service work where your businesses are allowed to be open during this stage 4 lockdown.

Please speak to our team as we can rapidly create a solution for your business to move forward and work from home both now and in the future.

We have again been very busy during this period helping many businesses with emergency strategies to manage their telecommunications utilising the hardware and services they have installed today.

Sixfam understands that many businesses may be experiencing uncertainty and disruption during these tough times. If you need any assistance or consideration please do not hesitate to call us on 03 9200 2800.

Rest assured that as your telecommunications provider, Sixfam see ourselves as partnering with your business needs and we are ready to assist at any stage you deem appropriate.

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