
Data Cabinet

Thinking about Installing a Data Cabinet in Your Business?

Another Tidy Up completed by one of our in-house technicians.

As seen in previous photos a simple cabinet install and clean-up can seriously benefit your business. It will become easier to fault find, isolate equipment, and improve the safety aspects. The Data Cabinet can get rid of the spider nest and clean up your data area. 

Contact the team today and we can help you out with the following process:

  • Site Audit
  • Work out What is Needed
  • New Cabinet or Re-use of the Existing Cabinet
  • Replace and Color Code Cables
  • Tidy up and Arrange cables
  • Organise the Cables Neatly
  • Test Services
  • All Work Done After Hours

Call Sixfam: 03 9200 2800 to arrange.

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